Let’s Talk Poo.
Let’s talk poo. You know, that thing that everybody does but pretends like they don’t? And, honestly, if you don’t you’re in serious doo-doo.
Everyone’s experienced that number two smell in the bathroom—whether it came from you or someone else. It’s alright. We all do it. The trick is to make it a better experience than you’re used to. How? With Poo-de-Toilette Spray.
It’s the bright, happy, all-natural spray to combat the not-so-bright-and-happy all-natural poo.
With Poo-de-Toilette, you’ll never have to worry about the person entering the stall you just left or the guest bath that everyone’s sharing at the party.
Get it today and forget about ever leaving a stink behind—or should we say “stinky behinds.”
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